System Maintenance occurs every Friday.
I have a large range of options for some chips, and very few for others. Which chips do I choose for my system? How do I choose the right component or make sure it is specified correctly?
These are very common questions for component engineers and system designers of electronics hardware. As circuits grow more and more complicated, engineers can easily find themselves overwhelmed with data or possible options. Also, with the wide spectrum of available chips on the market, the selection process can quickly become overwhelming even for the experienced engineer. We need a method for determining the important attributes of the semiconductor device.
The solution: Semiconductor Technology, Design and Testing, a course that covers the important topics regarding the process of selecting and specifying the proper chips for the new electronics system. By focusing on the fundamentals of the chip technology, design, and testing process, the class will give you the appropriate methodology to successfully identify and specify components for an electronic system, and then understand the information the semiconductor designer/manufacturer supplies regarding the component.
Please email the printable registration form for online training to us at the email address on the form to complete your order.
This skill-building series is divided into five segments.